Friday, June 08, 2007

[CERITA2] ; Another End Of Working Day

Another end of working day. will be such a hard day, as I told my Bozz, Andrew, that I need to back home sooner, as I and my husband will travel to my parents in law's house for family gathering this evening. I promised him to come at 6 this morning, do not out for lunch, and make sure that all jobs done before 2 pm. I just finished one task. Not much for this one :)
One that suprised was, i got message from my Ex-Calon Mertua. Say conrats on my wedding and hope that everything's running well here. I just really suprise because;
1. From who he got my cell number?
2. Why was the congrats come after more than 1 month of marriage?
3. Why it just directly after sending messange, his number was out of coverage are for hours until now?
Being curious, I called his son and have a short chat asking about him, and his family (Bo 'N Nyo-nya). Then It was ended by asking him to deliver my best regards to his father :)
Okay, whatever it is, I really thank that he gave me a little of his time to write text for me actually. But, it makes me wonder that why, some people thought that when we broke with their son/daughter up, it also means that we have nothing more to be shared with the family. Okay, like this case, I knew him, his son, since I was 4, kindergarten. Since, you know, we were very small. 2 years in kindergarten, then 2 years in primary 'coz he moved to government school, then we met again in Junior High, 3 years in the same class, sat front back, and 6 days a week share about everything. Then we seldom met in Senior, he moved to Bandung. Routine he visited me when he came home for vocation. 2 years with no communication 'coz each of us werebusy in the early year in college, but after that, he often come to visit me and talked about his business, girlfriends(??????), etc.
He always blamed me for getting married by the time he is ready to propose me. He always blamed me then said that the first thing that his father could trust ti his choice was me, then I never stop wondering why he needed more than 10 years, if I count from the time we were being adult, and 22 years If I count from the first time we met in kindergarten (hehehehe....), just to say that he wanted me, either do his parents.
Aaaaarrrrrggggghhhhhh.......Makes me think, and recount the time back. Whatever it isk you for send me text, I really appreciated that. I just think that, we've been good friends for a very long time, and suddenly we are just like people who do not know each other.
Take care well. Maybe you will read this posting someday. You just need to know that I will always be your good friend, a very good one for you. Imas&Iwan.

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