Thursday, October 19, 2006


I always, eventhough not often, wondering to God, " Why life is so complicated?". Then I Spent years before I found the answer, that we are not suppose to analize life. Just let it flow. Analyze that make it more complicated.
Other question was, "Why we (people) seldom feel happy?". Then somebody told me that today is tomorrow that I was worry about yesterday. We were worry because we analized. Worrying became a habbit, that's why we are seldom to feel happy.
Then, my next question is, "Why good people always suffer in their life?". Then many amazing people gave me same analogy. Suppose that you are diamond. Diamonds can not be bright without proceed and give friction to its surface. Gold only could proceed with fire. Then someone, could not be better without experiences. Experiences that could make people better than before.
Success is indicator that made by others. Otherwise, satisfaction is indicator that made by ourselves. Knowing the aim of life will make us satisfy than knowing that we are stepping the life on. Always count things that you need to thank God for it, do not count all things that you can not achieve. Just infacing your past life with no sorry, keep your present life with belief, then prepare your future with no fear. Trust me, life is beautifel when you know how to live.
(Inspired of N.N)

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